Nina Ottosson Challenge Slider Puzzle

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Challenge Slider will keep your dog´s mind busy with 24 treat compartments. In this game dogs must move each slider, one at a time, in different directions, to reveal hidden treats or food. Slide, treat, and repeat! This is a level 3 puzzle, so if your dog is new to puzzles, we recommend starting off with a level 1. Starting off too hard can make dogs frustrated and lead them to dislike puzzles as a whole- and that's a shame because they are a fantastic way to keep your pup busy!
To play: Place your dog's favorite treats or food in the compartments of the removable tray. Slide the tray back into the game. Supervise, show and encourage your dog to move sliders back and forth to seek treats. If your dog is too rough with his paws, place the game in your lap or on a stool, so that your dog can only use his nose to move the sliders. Once they get the hang of it, you can up the difficulty by covering all the compartments, or even freezing treats inside!

Nina Ottosson was inspired to create dog puzzles after having two young kids and realizing she no longer had time to keep her pets mentally stimulated. By making these puzzles, she created an easy way to keep dogs' minds working, to help your pets expend mental energy even when the weather isn't good enough to play outside!